
Whether you are a small nonprofit looking to expand operations, or an organization that is aiming to create efficiencies, we have workshops that best fit your needs.

Workshops we offer

  • Standard operating procedure (SOP) development: As organizations grow, so does the need for standardization. But where to start? Our team can help you develop SOPs that work for your team.

  • Using data to improve operations: You know that collecting data is important, but how do you use it to improve your operations? Our team can help you develop the tools to use your data to improve decision-making in your organization.

  • Proposals and grant writing: With a track record of successful grant proposals, we will help your team craft a proposal that integrates the relevant scientific evidence for your cause.

  • Have something else in mind? Book a free consultation at the link below.

Are you a small nonprofit and feel that cost will be a barrier to accessing our services? We offer discounted services to eligible charities and nonprofits. Book a free consultation to learn more.